
Inside the mind of America’s (raunchy, foul mouthed, overly opinionated, sexually aggressive, incredibly offensive, fly by the minute, ridiculously absurd, often times erratic, psychologically questionable) Sweetheart.

Wii Love You February 16, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — the108 @ 7:37 pm

Video games are a popular commodity in my house and it drives me crazy. In this house we have the Nintendo Gamecube, the computer, the Playstation Portable and the Nintendo DS handheld. We had an XBOX and a Playstation2 until they both cracked out and the Gamecube we have is the second one we have gotten since the last one broke. At any given time, we will have Dean on the Playstation, Matt on the computer, Owen on the Gamecube and Olivia on the DS.

I will be reading a book.

This has driven me to insanity. I’m one of those people that thinks video games are just one more way for kids to sit around and get a fat ass. Dean argues that it builds hand eye coordination but I swear he’s just reaching for something- anything- to get me to be okay with the constant gaming in this house. I bitch about video games so much that they end up being signs of my love and affection for Dean. I bought him his XBOX for Christmas one year to express my adoration and he loved it. This Valentine’s Day, I got him the one he has wanted since he first heard about it: The Nintendo Wii.

I’m in love with this thing.

My first reason for loving it is that it gets people off their big asses and has them moving around. I swear, we have all gotten so much more exercise since this thing was brought into our home. Also… it’s ridiculously fun. I can’t lie… it’s awesome. By far, the best video game machine I have ever met and we are now friends. Which makes everyone in my house very happy.

I swore I would not play it. I laughed my ass off and told Dean that he was going to look like a moron leaping around my living room and vowed that never would I do it myself, that I was above that sort of self embarrassment. Then, as my children and Dean were away, I played Tennis. Curiousity got the better of me and I played my heart out. There I was, leaping back and forth in my living room, sweating my ass off, cursing the “people” I was playing against and huffing and puffing away. God, it was fun. And, God, am I out of shape.My husband returned with my children to find me screetching at the machine that “that ball was not out!” and completely out of breath. And I didn’t stop. I went from that to bowling to golf and then I popped in a new game and performed surgeries on people. And, my god, it was so much fun.

Dean and I were fighting over who got to play.

And then I kicked his ass at golf. Loser.

My kids love it. And it’s something all of them can play. Since it is Nintendo, there are lots of kid friendly games for them that I approve of. Dean says the graphics are fabulous. I have no idea. All I care about is that it’s fun!!! And…. a hell of a workout!

So, if anyone is out there looking for a decent game console for their family, this one is my recommendation. And let me tell you, the minute this baby comes out I’m having a party to get everyone drunk and flail about. God, I can just see it, now.



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